Is Melbourne Expensive to Visit?

by 30 Jun 2024Australia

Yes, Melbourne can be considered expensive to visit compared to many other cities. A one-week trip to Melbourne usually costs around AUD 1,896 for one person and AUD 3,791 for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing. A two-week trip costs about AUD 3,791 for one person and AUD 7,583 for two people. However, with careful planning and budget-friendly options, such as staying with Holiday Swap, it is possible to enjoy Melbourne without overspending.


Introduction to Melbourne


Melbourne, Australia’s vibrant coastal city, is renowned for its cultural diversity, rich history, and dynamic lifestyle. Often referred to as the cultural capital of Australia, Melbourne boasts an array of world-class restaurants, eclectic markets, and lively arts scenes. It’s a city where tradition meets modernity, offering something for every type of traveller.


Known globally for its high standard of living, Melbourne consistently ranks among the world’s most liveable cities. However, this prestige often raises the question: Is Melbourne expensive to visit? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the costs associated with visiting Melbourne, from accommodation and transportation to food and activities. For travellers seeking affordable accommodation, Holiday Swap offers a budget-friendly option without compromising comfort and convenience.



Is Melbourne Expensive?


General Cost of Living

Melbourne is known for its relatively high cost of living, which can be reflected in the expenses tourists might encounter. The city’s economy is strong, with prices for goods and services often higher than in smaller cities or towns. However, savvy travellers can find ways to enjoy Melbourne without breaking the bank.


Comparison with Other Major Cities

When compared to other major cities like Sydney, New York, and London, Melbourne’s cost of living is generally lower. For example, dining out or enjoying a coffee at a café in Melbourne is often more affordable than in Sydney. While accommodation prices are on the higher side, they are still cheaper compared to New York or London.


Average Daily Expenses for Tourists

On average, tourists in Melbourne can expect to spend around AUD 100-150 per day. This budget includes accommodation, food, transportation, and some activities. With careful planning and budget-friendly choices, like staying with Holiday Swap, visitors can enjoy all that Melbourne has to offer without overspending.


Accommodation Costs in Melbourne


Budget Hotels

Budget hotels in Melbourne offer clean and comfortable stays for around AUD 60-100 per night. These accommodations are often located in the city centre or nearby suburbs, providing easy access to major attractions. Look for deals and book in advance to secure the best rates.


Mid-range and Luxury Hotels

Mid-range hotels range from AUD 150-250 per night, offering more amenities and better locations. Luxury hotels, on the other hand, start at around AUD 300 per night and can go up significantly, offering top-notch services and breathtaking views of the city.


Holiday Swap as an Affordable Accommodation Option

For a unique and cost-effective accommodation option, consider using Holiday Swap. This platform allows travellers to stay in local homes, providing a more authentic experience at a fraction of the cost of traditional hotels. With Holiday Swap, you can enjoy the comforts of home while saving money for other activities and experiences in Melbourne.


Transportation Costs


Melbourne tram


Public Transport (Trams, Buses, Trains)

Melbourne’s public transport system is extensive and affordable. A Myki card, the city’s travel card, costs AUD 6 and can be topped up with credit for use on trams, buses, and trains. A daily fare cap is around AUD 9 for unlimited travel within zones 1 and 2, making it a cost-effective way to explore the city.


Cost of Using Public Transport vs. Taxis and Rideshares

Public transport is significantly cheaper than using taxis or rideshares. A short taxi ride within the city centre can cost around AUD 15-25, while rideshares like Uber offer slightly lower rates. However, for longer distances, public transport is the most economical choice.


Free Public Transportation Zones

Melbourne’s central business district (CBD) features a Free Tram Zone, allowing tourists to travel within the city centre without any cost. This zone covers key attractions, shopping areas, and dining spots, making it convenient for budget travellers.


Airport to City Transport Options

Travelling from Melbourne Airport to the city can be done via the SkyBus, which costs around AUD 19 one way and operates 24/7. Alternatively, you can use taxis or rideshares, which are more expensive, with fares ranging from AUD 50-70 depending on traffic and time of day.


Food and Drink Expenses


Average Prices in Inexpensive, Mid-range, and Expensive Restaurants

Dining out in Melbourne offers a range of options to suit different budgets:

  • Inexpensive restaurants: Meals cost around AUD 15-20 per person.
  • Mid-range restaurants: Expect to pay AUD 30-50 per person.
  • Expensive restaurants: High-end dining can start at AUD 100 per person and go up from there, especially in renowned establishments.


Street Food and Markets

Street food and markets like Queen Victoria Market provide delicious and affordable eating options. You can find a variety of cuisines and snacks, with prices ranging from AUD 5-15 per item. It’s a great way to sample local and international flavours without spending much.


Queen Victoria Market


Melbourne’s popular food streets, such as Lygon Street, offer a plethora of dining options. Known for its Italian cuisine, Lygon Street has restaurants where you can enjoy a meal for around AUD 20-40 per person. Exploring these food streets can lead to discovering hidden gems and affordable eateries.


Shops on Lygon Street near Elgin Street, Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.


Cost of Groceries

For those staying longer or on a tight budget, buying groceries can be a cost-effective solution. Supermarkets like Coles and Woolworths offer a wide range of products, with average weekly grocery costs for a single person around AUD 70-100.


Activities and Attractions


Free and Low-cost Activities

Melbourne offers many free and low-cost activities, making it possible to enjoy the city on a budget. Strolling through the city’s laneways to admire street art or visiting the numerous parks and gardens can be very rewarding without costing a dime.


Street Art Tours

Melbourne is famous for its vibrant street art scene. Free walking tours are available, guiding you through the best spots in the city to see these creative works. Alternatively, you can explore on your own and discover the artistic flair that defines Melbourne’s streets.


melbourne street art


Parks and Gardens

The city boasts beautiful parks and gardens, such as Fitzroy Gardens and the Royal Botanic Gardens. These green spaces offer a peaceful retreat and are perfect for picnics, leisurely walks, or just relaxing in nature.


melbourne parks and gardens


Cultural Institutions

Melbourne’s cultural institutions, including the State Library of Victoria and the National Gallery of Victoria, often offer free entry. These venues provide a glimpse into the city’s history, art, and culture, making them a must-visit for culture lovers.


  • Eureka Skydeck: Experience stunning city views from the Eureka Tower for around AUD 25.
  • Luna Park: Enjoy a day of fun at this historic amusement park with entry tickets costing around AUD 50 for unlimited rides.
  • Melbourne Museum: Explore fascinating exhibits for an entry fee of about AUD 15.
  • MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground): Tour one of the world’s most famous sports stadiums for AUD 25.
  • Seasonal Events and Festivals: Melbourne hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year, some of which are free or have nominal entry fees.


Is Melbourne Safe?


police in melbourne


General Safety Information

Melbourne is considered one of the safest cities in the world. It has a low crime rate, and the city is well-policed, making it a safe destination for tourists. However, as with any large city, it is always advisable to stay aware of your surroundings and take basic safety precautions.


Safety Tips for Tourists

  • Avoid poorly lit areas at night.
  • Keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded places.
  • Use licensed taxis or reputable rideshare services.


Comparison with Other Australian Cities

Melbourne’s safety levels are comparable to other major Australian cities like Sydney and Brisbane. The overall atmosphere is welcoming and safe, contributing to Melbourne’s reputation as a tourist-friendly destination.


Practical Information for Visitors


Do You Need Cash in Melbourne?

Credit and debit cards are widely accepted in Melbourne, and contactless payments are common. However, it’s advisable to carry some cash for small purchases or in case you visit places that do not accept cards.


Language Spoken

English is the primary language spoken in Melbourne. Visitors will have no trouble communicating, as the city is very tourist-friendly.


Accessibility and Ease of Getting Around

Melbourne is easy to navigate, with an efficient public transport system and pedestrian-friendly streets. The city is also wheelchair accessible, with ramps and lifts available at most public facilities.


Best Times to Visit

The best times to visit Melbourne are during the spring (September to November) and autumn (March to May) seasons, when the weather is pleasant and there are fewer tourists.


Budget Tips for Visiting Melbourne


How to Save on Accommodation

  • Book accommodation in advance to secure better rates.
  • Use platforms like Holiday Swap for affordable and comfortable stays.
  • Consider staying in suburban areas and commuting to the city centre.


Affordable Dining Options

  • Opt for street food and market stalls.
  • Look for meal deals and specials at local pubs and cafés.
  • Visit food courts in shopping centres for a variety of inexpensive meals.


Cost-effective Ways to Explore the City

  • Take advantage of the Free Tram Zone in the CBD.
  • Join free walking tours to explore the city’s landmarks.
  • Visit free attractions like parks, gardens, and cultural institutions.


Special Deals and Discounts for Tourists

  • Check for tourist passes that offer discounts on attractions and public transport.
  • Look out for online deals and vouchers for dining and activities.


Is Melbourne Worth Visiting Compared to Other Australian Cities?


Unique Aspects of Melbourne

Melbourne stands out for its cultural diversity, arts scene, and sporting events. The city’s unique laneways, street art, and coffee culture are unparalleled in Australia.


Comparison with Sydney, Brisbane, and Other Major Cities

While Sydney is famous for its iconic landmarks like the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, and Brisbane for its laid-back lifestyle and warm weather, Melbourne offers a different charm with its vibrant arts scene, culinary delights, and sporting culture. Each city has its unique appeal, but Melbourne’s eclectic vibe makes it a must-visit.


Melbourne for Different Types of Travellers


Solo Travellers

Melbourne is perfect for solo travellers, offering a safe environment, plenty of activities, and opportunities to meet other travellers.



Couples can enjoy romantic dining experiences, scenic walks, and cultural activities. The city’s parks and gardens provide beautiful backdrops for a memorable trip.



Families will find plenty of attractions suitable for children, such as the Melbourne Zoo, SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium, and Luna Park.



Melbourne’s diverse culinary scene caters to foodies, with a wide range of international cuisines, food festivals, and gourmet experiences.


Culture Lovers

The city’s museums, galleries, theatres, and cultural events provide endless opportunities for culture enthusiasts.


Nightlife Enthusiasts

Melbourne’s nightlife is vibrant, with numerous bars, clubs, and live music venues to explore.


Packing Tips for Melbourne


What to Pack for Different Seasons

  • Spring and Autumn: Light layers and a jacket for cooler evenings.
  • Summer: Lightweight clothing, sunscreen, and a hat.
  • Winter: Warm clothing, including a coat, scarf, and gloves.


Essentials for a Comfortable Trip

  • Comfortable walking shoes.
  • An umbrella for unpredictable weather.
  • A reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.


FAQs About Visiting Melbourne


Common Questions and Answers

  • Is public transport easy to use? Yes, Melbourne’s public transport system is user-friendly and well-connected.
  • Do I need a visa to visit Melbourne? Check Australia’s visa requirements based on your nationality.
  • Is tipping expected in Melbourne? Tipping is not mandatory but appreciated for good service.


Additional Tips and Advice

  • Plan your itinerary in advance to make the most of your visit.
  • Use local apps and websites for real-time information on events and activities.


Recap of Key Points

Melbourne offers a unique blend of cultural richness, culinary delights, and a vibrant arts scene. While it may seem expensive, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the city on a budget.


Final Thoughts on the Cost and Value of Visiting Melbourne

Despite the costs, Melbourne’s diverse attractions and experiences make it a worthwhile destination. With options like Holiday Swap, affordable dining, and free activities, travellers can enjoy Melbourne without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a solo traveller, a couple, a family, or a foodie, Melbourne promises an unforgettable experience.

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